Using Nature Lister

Filtering your display

Filtering your display

Use the Filter button to show more or less species in the species entry screen. You can filter the display is two ways.


Nature Lister keeps a list of all the species to be seen in a full geographical area, you can change what you display at any time.
The chosen level is saved on exit.

Selection Title Meaning
Common Shows only species that are commonly seen in the geographical area selected
Common + Rare Shows species that are commonly seen along with those that are rare in the geographical area selected
Common + Rare + Uncertain shows species that are commonly seen along with those that are rare and those where the distribution is uncertain in the geographical area selected
Previously recorded Shows just those species you have seen before in the geographical area

Species Level

Nature Lister has a list of all Species, Groups and Subspecies and the user can decide which level they are going to use. You can change this at any time to show more or less species.
The chosen setting is saved on exit.

Selection Title Meaning
Species Displays only full species at the Binomial level
Species + Groups Displays full species and species groups. 
Species, groups + subspecies Displays full species, species groups and all subspecies.


27 June 2020



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This product was designed for Nature club members and those doing a wildlife survey as a simple way of recording their sightings.

You can send your sightings via your own email as a CSV Spreadsheet to yourself or someone else such as a county recorder or a club.
You can export the sightings in BTO Birdtrack, eBird or other formats ready for import into their systems.