Using Nature Lister

Adding a new site

Adding a new site

To add a new site just click Maps and the bottom right.

Your current position is shown, now just click on the map to add a pin and give the site a name and its added so you can use it on your next visit.

The mapping system on your device will suggest a name for the site but you should overtype this to the name you want it to be.

Use a real name so anyone you send your data to can tell where you were. Names such as "My Garden" or "Gravel pit" mean nothing to a conservation body and mean that your records cannot be used. 

 For full details please watch this tutorial


27 June 2020



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This product was designed for Nature club members and those doing a wildlife survey as a simple way of recording their sightings.

You can send your sightings via your own email as a CSV Spreadsheet to yourself or someone else such as a county recorder or a club.
You can export the sightings in BTO Birdtrack, eBird or other formats ready for import into their systems.